Barley, or Hordeum vulgare, is a cereal grain that’s popular worldwide. It’s a member of the grass family and it was one of the first cultivated grains, dating back to 10,000 years ago. Today, barley is used in a variety of ways: 70% of production goes towards animal fodder, 30% is used for brewing beer and other distilled beverages, and it’s also a component of various foods. You can find barley in soups and stews or in barley bread from different cultures. Barley grains are also traditionally maltitized.
Barley Whole 500g
2.75 CHF
Whole barley is a versatile grain that can be sprouted or malted. It’s a good source of protein, dietary fiber, thiamin, magnesium and manganese. The tough outer hull must be removed before it can be processed for other uses.
Availability: 2 in stock
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